What Is Link Relationship XFN in WordPress?

The XFN is one of the social signs or codes of a web page that help you to search for other links on social networking websites. XFN is made to help you to build strong social relationships between your website and online social media. Nowadays, social links are really very important; they can bring huge traffic to your site and increase the reach of your online resource with ease. Thus, using XFN allows you to improve the number of inbound links that point back to your site. Let’s dive deep into link relationship XFN, available relationship values, and the key benefits that they provide.
What is a link relationship (XFN in WordPress)?
Link Relationship – Importance
In order to create a strong relationship between your website and social links, you simply need to implement the “XFN” social sign. To be more specific – you need to create an HTML code that starts with a tag of the type “xfn” and determines the type of relationship. There are many formats that this tag can be written in, and you can use different relationship values – from friendship and family to identity and professional ones. If you are ready to implement XFN in your WordPress hyperlinks, then simply follow the steps below.
Step # 1 – Create the Tag “XFN”
When it comes to link relationship (XFN) in WordPress, the first step is to create the first part of the social tag code. For example, it will look like this:
xfn type="http://www.example.com"
For the best results, create the tag on a separate page and save it.
Step # 2 – Add the Target Site URL
Once you add the XFN, you need to add the target URL of your site. You need to follow the format:
xfn type="http://www.example.com"> My site link</xfn
It is important that you add the link and the target site URL in a single line. That makes it easier to render and interpret the tag value.
Step # 3 – Target the Relation to the Site
In the tag defining link relationship, you need to write the word “rel”. The relation should be “nofollow”. This will make it so that the social site won’t follow the link of your site. When the relation is “nofollow”, the social site does not influence the search engine rankings of the destination URL because Google does not transfer PageRank or anchor text across them.
Step # 4 – Add the Tag to a Page
Once you add the tag to the page, you can start linking its content to social media and thus promote it. But make sure to add it to the head part of the page source code. Thus, you can be sure that machine-readable information (metadata) about the document, like its title, scripts, and style sheets are in place. For the best results, consider using relevant relationship values from the below list.
Relationship Values List

There are different personal connection examples that you can use for your XFN strategy. Here are some of the options to choose from.
There are three values in the XHTML friends network that you can pick from:
- Contact – Someone that you know well and can get in contact with;
- Acquaintance – Someone that you met a couple of times but are not close enough with to call a friend;
- Friend – Someone you are very close with; use rel friend in this case.
When it comes to the family link relationship category, there are also different options, but you can only pick one value:
- Child – Your child does not matter if you are a biological parent or not;
- Sibling – Someone that you share a parent with;
- Parent – One of your parents. It does not matter if you were adopted;
- Kin – A person that is considered part of the family;
- Spouse – Someone that you are married to.
There are only two options available in the geographical category:
- Co resident – Someone that you live with in the same apartment;
- Neighbour – Someone who lives close to you but not in the same flat.
You can either use this relationship value or not. It is available in one variation only:
- Me – If you are linking to your website, it is necessary to add this value to the hyperlink in WordPress. When using the ‘me’ value, no other values should be used at the same time.
When it comes to professional relationship XFN, you can select from the co-worker and colleague values. Here’s what each means:
- Co-worker – Someone who works with you within the same organization;
- Colleague – Someone who works in the same field as you.
Final Thoughts About Link Relationship XFN
There is nothing more important than social sharing. We want people to share our blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. Facebook can give us good traffic, but Google+ can give us a good position for keywords in search. That’s why we need more social sharing options, and WordPress link relationship (XFN) can help us with that.
And if you want to perform a quality link structure and relationship for SEO high rankings and website optimization, you might be interested to get constant assistance from WordPress experts.