How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress

500 Internal Server Error is one of the most frustrating errors you can encounter while using WordPress. This error occurs when the server fails to complete some requested task or if you face a firewall issue. It leads to a loss of productivity and can be a nuisance for your users.
We know how frustrating it is to be stuck on this page without knowing what you could have done wrong. So, how does one fix this error? In this article, we will help you try methods that would help you fix the 500 error.
Let’s find out how to fix 500 Internal Server Error
What is the 500 Internal Server Error
It happens when the server encounters an internal error, which prevents it from serving a page or resource to the user. Depending on your setup, it can be seen in the browser window, in the log files, at the top of your screen or in your browser’s address bar. You may also see a message similar to “The server encountered an internal error.”
The message itself doesn’t tell you what caused the problem. But it indicates that there was an issue with the way your website processes requests from browsers.
Repairing this error as soon as possible is important because it can affect your site’s ranking in search engines. This means fewer visitors coming through to your site.
There are many reasons why this internal error might occur, including the following:
- Corrupted .htacessfile
- Database server problems
- Third-party plugin or theme
- Browser cache
- Incorrect file and folder permissions
- Corrupted database
- Problem with the PHP memory limit
- Corrupted WordPress core or installation files
How to Fix a 500 Internal Server Error
To fix this issue, follow these steps:
1: Disable all plugins
Disable all plugins and activate them one by one until you find the culprit. If no plugin causes this error, try re-installing all your plugins. If there’s still no success, you may try deleting the wp-content folder and reinstalling WordPress.
While this might sound like a long process, it takes less than 5 minutes if you follow this simple guide:
Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins via your WordPress Dashboard and click Deactivate next to each plugin name.
Once all plugins are deactivated, clear your browser cache and refresh your WordPress website. If you still see the same error message, continue disabling more plugins until you find out which one is causing the issue.
2: Deactivate all themes
Sometimes, the problem could be a theme-related issue. The best way to determine if this is true is by deactivating all themes on your site. If you have more than one theme activated, try switching between them and see if the problem goes away. To deactivate all themes, follow these steps:
Log in to your WordPress dashboard. Go to Appearance > Themes > Edit Themes.
Scroll down until you find all your themes on the left-hand side of your screen and click Deactivate next to each one until they’re all unchecked. Click Update Options at the bottom of this page to save your changes.
3: Increase the PHP memory limit
This is one of WordPress’s most popular ways to fix 500 Internal Server Error. If you have an older version of PHP installed on your server, this is likely to cause your problem. You can change the value in wp-config.php file based on your hosting plan.
If it doesn’t work, you’ll need to contact your hosting provider and ask them to upgrade or install a newer version. You should also ensure that you have enough RAM allocated for WordPress when it’s up and running.
4: Clear browser cache and cookies
If you are getting this error while accessing your WordPress, try clearing the browser cache and cookies first. This is because sometimes the problem is with the browser cache, not WordPress. So clearing the browser cache and cookies will help you remove any temporary files that may be causing the problem.
5: Turn on debugging mode
If you’re using a shared hosting account, then debugging might help you determine what’s causing the internal server error. You’ll need access to your server’s command line interface for this solution. The steps differ based on your hosting provider, so please refer to their documentation if you have any questions about accessing SSH or other similar services. Once you’ve logged into SSH, run the following command:
php -d display_errors = 1 -d disabled_functions = "dlopen" wp-config.php
This method also helps you debug other types of issues in WordPress. Remember to turn off debugging after you’re done with maintenance.
6: Reload the page
Refreshing the page can help fix this problem easily as it refreshes all links within the page so they can point back to their original location properly. This method is useful if you’re using plugins that might have caused this problem previously. Often this will fix the problem, but if it does not work, try other solutions.
Wrapping up
The 500 error message can happen at any time and on any page of your WordPress website. It’s challenging to determine what’s causing the problem and how to repair it.
With regular maintenance, you can avoid this problem since if you repeatedly encounter this internal error message, it is recommended that you contact WordPress support to fix this problem. With a reliable hosting provider like Stylemix, you can count on us to get your website up and running when you run into 500 error issues. We are a fast, experienced, secure WordPress hosting site that will help you create a successful website.